*Executive Forum w/ Continuum Consulting Group*

Physiology of Retirement – Are You Prepared?

Join Continuum Consulting Group’s David Teper and Luke Yengo to learn strategies on how to improve your overall wellness while in retirement and to make the most of your golden years.

In this concise webinar, Luke will review the following which will either assist you in preparing for your retirement years or will help you structure your current retirement life to maximize the fulfillment you receive. He’ll cover:

  • The Reasons & Timing for Retirement, and the questions you should be asking yourself prior to making the change
  • The Styles of Retirement, and the benefits and negatives of each
  • Issues Faced while in Retirement, and the strategies to help overcome the “retirement blues”
  • Tips and Guidance you can implement on a day-to-day basis to best utilize your free time while retired
  • And Much More 

Whether you are preparing for your upcoming retirement life or are currently in retirement, this workshop will provide guidance and actionable next steps to help ensure you’re making the most of the retirement you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

About David Teper

David Teper is a Partner at Continuum Consulting Group located in Irvine, CA. David specializes in working with both corporate clients and individuals on guiding and supporting their financial goals.

About Luke Yengo

Luke Yengo is a financial planner and investment advisor within Continuum Consulting Group in Irvine, CA. Luke specializes in comprehensive financial plan design, with an emphasis on asset preservation and tax management.If registration for this event is closed, please reach out to executivenetwork@mbexec.com to be added to the waitlist.Attendance Policy: Members are allowed three (3) late cancellations or no shows per quarter. After three no shows/late cancellations, members will not be allowed to attend EN events for the next 30 days. A late cancellation is anything less than 24 hours prior to the event start time. We fully enforce our RSVP and waitlists for all EN events. Please ensure to RSVP online; if you have been waitlisted, please understand that we can only accept your attendance if seats have become available. If a member attends an event that they are not registered for more than two (2) times in a quarter, the member will not be allowed to attend EN events for the next 30 days.