OC CEO Roundtable

Topic: What Has Been Working In Your Search?

The OC CEO Roundtable is a safe space for Chief Executive Officers to come share their best practices, questions, and discussion points as it relates to their job search. This roundtable also features its members as subject matter expert presenters every month. Please only register if you have extensive Chief Executive Officer experience.

Different avenues work for different people, but that doesn’t mean what works for one person wouldn’t also work for you. We want to dive deeper in not just the struggles people come across while in their job search, but want to also share what has WORKED. This way we can better help each other and shine some light on areas that others may not have thought to focus on. Some examples could include: Where are you finding your opportunities, what platforms have you found to be best in network connections, etc.

Structure of the roundtable:
What value are you bringing to this meeting?
Brief Introductions
What’s everybody’s ask?
The subject for the day
What value did you get out of this today?

The facilitator of this monthly session is McDermott + Bull Managing Director Jake Vander Zanden.

If registration for this event is closed, please reach out to executivenetwork@mbexec.com to be added to the waitlist.

Attendance Policy: Members are allowed three (3) late cancellations or no shows per quarter. After three no shows/late cancellations, members will not be allowed to attend EN events for the next 30 days. A late cancellation is anything less than 24 hours prior to the event start time. We fully enforce our RSVP and waitlists for all EN events. Please ensure to RSVP online; if you have been waitlisted, please understand that we can only accept your attendance if seats have become available. If a member attends an event that they are not registered for more than two (2) times in a quarter, the member will not be allowed to attend EN events for the next 30 days.