Women’s Executive Networking Group

Topic: Designing Your Ideal Compensation Package

The Women’s Executive Networking Group is a unique conversation that seeks to address the wide range of human experience in your career and empower you to make the best ‘what’s next?’ decision. This is a 90-minute session. Every roundtable meeting is different based on where YOU need support.

We sharpen your message. Your positioning. Your mindset. We address what holds you back and share tools that open up new perspectives. Women leave feeling lighter due to the unexpected tone and supportive discussion.

The facilitator of this month’s session is Financial Planner at Continuum Consulting Group, Katerina Hencova.

If registration for this event is closed, please reach out to executivenetwork@mbexec.com to be added to the waitlist.

Attendance Policy: Members are allowed three (3) late cancellations or no shows per quarter. After three no shows/late cancellations, members will not be allowed to attend EN events for the next 30 days. A late cancellation is anything less than 24 hours prior to the event start time. We fully enforce our RSVP and waitlists for all EN events. Please ensure to RSVP online; if you have been waitlisted, please understand that we can only accept your attendance if seats have become available. If a member attends an event that they are not registered for more than two (2) times in a quarter, the member will not be allowed to attend EN events for the next 30 days.