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LANDED! Blog- Raj Mitra

Name: Raj Mitra

LinkedIn URL:

Executive Network Member Since (Year): 2011

Newly-Landed Position + Company: Chief of Staff for a healthcare startup in Boston, Massachusetts.

Prior to landing your new position, were you currently working or in-transition? I was in-transition and consulting.

How did you get connected to the company where you landed your new role? Through Networking

What allowed you to stand-out during the interview process? My experience, my attitude, and my willingness to learn.

Did you encounter any challenges while being vetted for this new position?  If so, how did you overcome them? I was myself and made sure to stay conscious as to what value I brought to the company. This is a group of highly educated people, many Ph.D., and MDs, from Harvard and MIT. I will be able to take them from a startup environment to a fully functioning enterprise.

If you could give an in-transition executive any piece of advice, what would it be? Never ever give up! Networking works, reach back out to as many people as you can, even those you worked with 15 years ago. Be yourself, have self-confidence, and practice extreme humility.

What events and/or resources offered by the Executive Network have helped enhance your career? M+B Executive Network is first-rate; the roundtables and networking meetings are very helpful. Personally, the CEO roundtable was critical. I was building my skills networking with other C level executives. The support from the M+B team was outstanding.

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